Week 12 - Polishing our code, and getting ready to present.
Since the deadline is on 25th of December, we decided to start polishing our code, and finish up latest tasks. Dalius: Tasks: Make a leaderboards Description: Leaderboards To make things more interesting, apart leaving empty leaderboards, without any scores I've decided to generate some random data with the names which were taken from this website: Link And some scores were generated randomly in between 1 to 20. Lets look at our code screenshots. Every time the game started, a players name were generated, as we can see in the picture. And every time user finished its challenge, The number of Player 1 were increased. And the score is being inserted as Player 1.To mention that we have an array , which is being made also during the start of the game, and that array contains: Random names and randomly generated scores. Then sorting is being made, and after its done sorting, we reversed it, so that the scores would be form the highest number, to the lowest. Cause array by default...