Week 4 - Markerless AR Brief

After we finished and presented our project, our group made a decision that we need to write approx. 100 words every time you finish some of the task.


Task: Create animations

Create and assign animations to trebuchet. Unity has a specific editor for animation creation, and it is capable of record/edit animations for each tick.

First thing what I have done is I started to record trebuchet fire animation by moving trebuchet parts one by one. After that, I want to see how it has been done, but the recording was a total mess, because everything was not working as intended. Then I came to conclusion that I need to fix it manually and move trebuchet parts tick by tick and set a position and rotation for parts which supposed to move, cause after the record, animation was not working as intended.

After fire animation was done, I thought: It would be awesome to have a fire sound of trebuchet. Went to google, and found out that there is an Animation Events, which you can set on animation ticks and the event should be triggered. Idea was ok, but I did not know that when you use AR Camera, instead of the Main Camera, Audio source is not included in the AR Camera. And because of that you could not hear any of the sounds of firing Trebuchet. After some time, some googling, I figured it out that I need to include one Audio source in the AR Camera, cause Audio Source acts as a Player for the sound files and the problem of No Sound was solved.


Task: Scaling and UI in AR Foundation

I created 2 buttons to resize an object in AR.

With these buttons you can Scale Up and Scale Down your object.

The problem I faced was that the object will get bigger, but the position changes every time.

I created another script with 2 methods, scale up and scale down. But I tried to implement the 2 same methods in my main script in update method which can save the last position and rotation of the object and every time I tried to scale the object it spawned in the last place but bigger or smaller.
